Indraneil Das and Ghazally Ismail
Institute of Biodiversity and Environmental Conservation,
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak,
94300 Kota Samarahan, Sarawak, Malaysia.
Email: [email protected]
This presentation covers all crocodiles and turtles known from the island of the island of Borneo. For each species is the current valid scientific name, the English name, maximum size recorded, synonymy, besides notes on identification, natural history and distribution.
Field work was supported by research grants (UNIMAS 120/98 [9] and 192/99 [4]) administered by the Universiti Malaysia Sarawak. We thank Fatimah Abang, Acting Director, Institute of Biodiversity and Environmental Conservation, for support and facilities and current and former colleagues at UNIMAS (Stuart James Davies, Stephen Oakley and Nicolas Pilcher) and at UBD (Joseph Kirbahkaran Charles, David Sydney Edwards, David Thomas Jones, Helen Pang Yoke Kiew and Samhan bin Nyawa) for various favours. Finally, we acknowledge Norzian binti Mohammed for scanning in the images depicted here.
Key to Agamidae.-
1. | Wing-like dermal expansion on sides of body ………………………………………………………… Draco No wing-like dermal expansion on sides of body …………………………………………………………… 2 |
2. | Tympanum concealed …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3 Tympanum exposed ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4 |
3. | Dorsal crest present, enlarged unicarinate scales laterally ………………………………….. Aphaniotis Dorsal crest reduced or absent; enlarged tubercular scales laterally …………………… Phoxophrys |
4. | Males with long compressed rostral appendage…………………………………………….. Harpesaurus Males without rostral appendage ………………………………………………………………………………. 5 |
5. | Throat fold present; dorsal scale unequal ………………………………………………….. Gonocephalus Throat fold absent; dorsal scale equal ………………………………………………………………………… 6 |
6. | Males without gular pouch; oblique fold in front of shoulder absent; > 65 rows of midbody scales; hindlimb > 80% SVL; tail > 290% SVL ……………………………………………………… Bronchocela Male with well developed gular pouch; oblique fold in front of shoulder; < 65 rows of midbody scales; hindlimb < 70% SVL; tail < 250% SVL ……………………………………………………………. 7 |
7. | Sides of head and throat with enlarged scales; adult SVL 130 mm ……………………. Hypsicalotes Sides of head and throat without enlarged scales; adult SVL < 100 mmm …………………………….8 |
8. | Gular sacs with lateral pockets; ground colour of body dark brownish gray, with a few distinct transverse white bands on dorsum; adult SVL 70 mm ……………………………………… Complicitus Gular sacs without lateral pockets; ground colour of body green, without transverse white bands on dorsum; adult SVL 82 mm ……………………………………………………………….. Pseudocalotes
Ophisaurus Daudin, 1803:
Ophisaurus F.-M. Daudin. 1803. Bull. Sci. Soc. Philomath ser. 2 3: 188. (type species: Anguis ventralis Linnaeus, 1766, by monotypy.)
Ophisaurus H. Wermuth. 1969. Das Tierreich (90): 29.
Derivation: Latin for snake-lizard, in allusion to its lack of limbs.
Aeluroscalabotes Boulenger, 1885:
Aeluroscalabotes G. A. Boulenger. 1885. Cat. Lizards British Mus. 1: 73. (type species: Pentadactylus felinus Günther, 1864, by monotypy and designation.)
Diagnosis: Postmentals enlarged; axillary pockets absent; claw between a dorsal and two lateral scutes; transverse enlarged lamellae restricted to base of digits.
Derivation: Greek for cat-like lizard.
Key to Gekkonidae.-
1. | Digits slender, not or slightly dilated …………………………………………………………………………… 2 Digits moderately to broadly dilated; terminal phalanges of all or digits II-V compressed ……….. 3 |
2. | Pupil vertical ………………………………………………………………………………………. Cyrtodactylus Pupil round …………………………………………………………………………………………….. Cnemaspis |
3. | Terminal phalanges rising from within dilated portion; scansor broad or narrow …………………… 4 Terminal phalanges united with dilated portion to its distal end and extending beyond; scansor narrow ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7 |
4. | Digits broadly dilated distally; scansor narrow; on toe IV covering approximately distal half; terminal scansors, distinctly wedge-shaped ………………………………………………………………….. 5 Digits uniformly dilated; scansors wide; on toe IV covering more than distal half; terminal scansors oval or squarish ………………………………………………………………………………………… 6 |
5. | First inner digit developed, broadly dilated …………………………………………………………… Gehyra First inner digit vestigial, not dilated ………………………………………………….. Hemiphyllodactylus |
6. | Prominent cutaneous folds on lateral surfaces and posterior thigh; digits with prominent webs; dorsal without enlarged tubercle ………………………………………………………………… Cosymbotus Cutaneous folds absent; digits without webs or only at base between toes III and IV Hemidactylus |
7. | Cutaneous folds present on limbs ………………………………………………………………………………. 8 Cutaneous folds on limbs absent ……………………………………………………………………………….. 9 |
8. | Exposed margin of scansor variably notched or usually some distal ones divided … Luperosaurus Scansor entire; outer margin nearly straight or with shallow notch for some distal one Ptychozoon |
9. | Exposed margin of scansor variably notched or usually some distal ones divided . Lepidodactylus Scansor entire; distal ones with relatively straight, exposed margin or with shallow notch .. Gekko |
Key to Scincidae.-
1. | Palatines and pterygoids separated in palate midline; limbs lacking ……………………. Brachymeles Palatines only, or palatine and pteryoids in contact; limbs present ……………………………………… 2 |
2. | Supranasals absent ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3 Supranasals present ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5 |
3. | Lower eyelid with transparent disc; light vertebral stripe and dark dorsolateral stripe present ……. Lipinia Lower eyelid scaly; colouration various, but never as above ……………………………………………. 4 |
4. | Ear-opening superficial; a single large preanal …………………………………………… Tropidophorus Ear-opening sunk; several small preanals ……………………………………………….. Sphenomorphus |
5. | Lower eyelid with transparent disc …………………………………………………………………….. Emoia Lower eyelid scaly ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6 |
6. | Limbs reduced …………………………………………………………………………………………. Lygosoma Limbs well-developed …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7 |
7. | Dorsal and lateral scales on body smooth ……………………………………………………. Lamprolepis Dorsal and lateral scales on body keeled …………………………………………………………………….. 8 |
8. | Dorsal scales moderately to strongly keeled; pterygoids separated; palatal notch reaching midorbital position ………………………………………………………………………………………… Mabuya Dorsal scales weakly keeled; pterygoid in contact anteriorly; palatal notch not reaching midorbital position ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9 |
9. | Linear pattern on forehead and body in juveniles and adults ……………………………. Apterygodon Banded pattern on forehead and body, especially in juveniles ……………………………………. Dasia |
Field work and manuscript preparation were supported by research grants (UNIMAS 120/98 [9] and 192/99 [4]) administered by the Universiti Malaysia Sarawak. I thank Prof. Ghazally Ismail, Deputy Vice Chancellor, UNIMAS, for support and facilites and colleagues at UNIMAS (Fatimah Abang, Stuart Davies, Stephen Oakeley, Nicholas Pilcher and Ramlah Zainuddin) and at UBD (Joseph K. Charles, David Edwards, David Jones, Helen Pang and Samhan bin Nyawa) for various favours. Curatorial staff of the following institutions (institutional abbreviations follow Leviton et al., 1985, and are marked with asterisk; see Appendix I) provided facilities, data on specimens and/or loans of specimens: American Museum of Natural History, AMNH*, New York (Linda Ford, Darrel R. Frost, David Dickey and Margarete Arnold); the Australian Museum, AMS, Sydney (Allen E. Greer and Ross A. Sadlier); The Academy of Natural Sciences, ANSP, Philadelphia (Ned Gilmore); Brunei Museum, BM, Bandar Seri Begawan (Haji Jaya, Marina Wong and Haji Bakariah); Natural History Museum, BMNH*, London (E. Nicholas Arnold and Colin J. McCarthy); California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, CAS* (Jens Vindum); Field Museum of Natural History, FMNH*, Chicago (Harold Knight Voris, Robert Frederick Inger, Alan Resetar and Cassandra Redhed); Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, MCZ*, Cambridge, MA (John E. Cadle, Ernest Edward Williams and José P. Rosado); Staatliches Museum für Tierkunde, Dresden, MTKD (Uwe Fritz); Swedish Museum of Natural History, NRM* (Erik Åhlander and Sven Kullander), Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum, RMNH*, Leiden (Marinus Hoogmoed); Sarawak Museum, SM*, Kuching (Peter Kedit and Chales Leh), Sabah Parks Zoological Museum, SP, Mount Kinabalu National Park Headquarters (Jamili Nais and Maklarim Lakim); Sabah State Museum, SSM, Kota Kinabalu (Anna Wong), Borneensis Collection, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, UMS (which also includes the collection of the erstwhile Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Sabah Campus, UKMS), Kota Kinabalu (Maryati Mohammed, Axel Dalberg Poulsen, Ahmed Sudin and Lucy Kimsui); Universiti Brunei Darussalam UBD, Bandar Seri Begawan (Joseph K. Charles, David Edwards and Helen Pang); Florida Museum of Natural History, UF, Gainesville (Frederick Wayne King and David Auth); Raffles Museum for Biodiversity Research, University of Singapore, Department of Zoology, ZRC (USDZ*), Singapore (Peter Ng, C. M. Yang, Kelvin K. P. Lim and Tan Heok Hui); the United States National Museum, USNM*, Washington, D.C. (W. Ronald Heyer, Ronald I. Crombie and George R. Zug); Zoological Museum Amsterdam (ZMA*), Amsterdam (Leobertus van Tuijl); Zoologisches Institut und Museum, Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, ZMH (Jakob Hallermann); and Zoological Survey of India, ZSI, Calcutta (J. R. B. Alfred, Shyamal Kumar Chanda, Basudeb Dattagupta and Nimai Charan Gayen).
For providing literature and information to queries, I thank Kraig Ad.ler, Christopher C. Austin, Aaron Bauer, Chew Lun Chan, Patrick David, Itzchak Gilboa, Allen Greer, Wolfgang Grossmann, Jakob Hallermann, Tsutomu Hikida, Marinus Hoogmoed, Robert F. Inger, Werner Kästle, Tan Fui Lian, Colin McCarthy, Ulrich Manthey, Hidetoshi Ota, Alan Resetar, Robert Sprackland, Peter Uetz, Harold K. Voris and Van Wallach. Finally, I express my gratitude to Aaron M. Bauer and Bob Inger for reading a draft of the manuscript, offering numerous comments and suggestions. All errors that remain are mine.
(scientific names in parentheses are currently valid names)
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_______. 1802b. Histoire naturelle, génerale et particulière des reptiles. Vol. 4. F. Dufart, Paris. 395 pp. (Gecko tuberculosus.)
_______. 1803a. Histoire naturelle, génerale et particulière des reptiles. Vol. 8. F. Dufart, Paris. 439 pp.
______. 1803b. Bull. Sci. Soc. Philomath ser. 2 3: 188. (Ophisaurus.)
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DENZER, WOLFGANG. 1996. Reptilien und Amphibien der Santubong Halbinsel, Sarawak, Borneo. Sauria, Berlin 18(4): 35-42.
_____, RAINER GÜNTHER and ULRICH MANTHEY. 1997. Kommentierter Typenkatalog der Agamen (Reptilia: Squamata: Agamidae) des Museums für Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (ehemals Zoologisches Museum Berlin). Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berlin 73(2): 309-332.
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GRAY, JOHN EDWARD. 1825. A synopsis of the genera of reptiles and Amphibia, with a description of some new species. Ann. Philos., London ser. 2 10: 193-217.
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_______. 1834b. Characters of two new genera of reptiles (Geoemyda and Gehyra). Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1834: 99-100. (Gehyra.)
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_______. 1845. Catalogue of the specimens of lizards in the collection of the British Museum. British Museum (Natural History), London. xxviii + 289 pp. (Dilophyrus, Doryura Bowringii, Emoia, Heteronota Kendallii, Lipinia, Luperosaurus, Norbea Brookei, Tiliqua grisea, Tiliqua multicarinata, Varanus rudicollis.)
GREER, ALLEN EDDY, JUNIOR. 1970. The relationships of the skinks referred to the genus Dasia. Breviora (348): 1-30.
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GROSSMANN, WOLFGANG. 1986. Erste Erfahrungen bei der Haltung und Nachzucht des olivfarbenen Baumskinkes Dasia olivacea Gray, 1838. Sauria, Berlin 8(4): 13-21.
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GUIBÉ, JEAN. 1953. Les batrachiens et les reptiles des régions Indo-Malaise et Australo-Neoguineenne. C. R. Soc. Biogéogr. 30: 257-268.
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GÜNTHER, ALBERT CARL LUDWIG GOTTHILF. 1864. The reptiles of British India. Ray Society, London. xxvii + 452 pp. + I-XXVI pl. (Draco cornutus, Draco cristatellus, Eumeces bowringii, Pentadactylus felinus.)
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______. 1872. On the reptiles and amphibians of Borneo. Proc. Zool. Soc., London 1872: 586-600; Pl. XXXV-XXXX.
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English translation: Observations on living earless monitors (Lanthonotus borneensis) by P. Gritis. Bull. Chicago Herpetol. Soc. 24(10): 185-188.
HARRISSON, TOM HARNETT. 1961. Niah’s new cave gecko: habits. Sarawak Mus. J. n.s. 10(17-18): 277-282.
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______, HIDETOSHI OTA, MARI KOBAYASHI, JARUJIN NABJITABHATA, HOI-SEN YONG & TSUTOMU HIKIDA. 1999. Phylogenetic relationships of the flying lizards, genus Draco (Reptilia: Agamidae). Zool. Sci. 16: 535-549.
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HUBRECHT, AMBROSIUS ARNOLD WILLEM. 1881. On a new genus and species of Agamidae from Sumatra. Notes Leyden Mus. 3: 51-52. (Phoxophrys.)
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_____ and WILLIAM HOSMER. 1965. New species of scincid lizards of the genus Sphenomorphus from Sarawak. Israel J. Zool. 14: 134-140. (Sphenomorphus cyanolaemus, Sphenomorphis haasi.)
_____ and FREDERIC WAYNE KING. 1961. A new cave-dwelling lizard of the genus Cyrtodactylus. Sarawak Mus. J. n.s. 10(17-18): 274-276. (Cyrtodactylus cavernicolus.)
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KUHL, HEINRICH. 1820. Beiträg zur Zoologei und Vergleichenden Anatomie. Erste Abth. Beitrage zur Zoologie. Frankfurt am Main. 8 + 152 pp. (Agama cristatella, Draco fimbriatus, Scincus multifasciatus.)
______ and JOHAN COENRAAD VAN HASSELT. 1822. Aus einem Schreiben von Dr. Kuhl und Dr. van Hasselt auf Java. An Professor Th. van Swideren zu Gröningen. Isis von Oken, Jena 10(4): columns 472-476.
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LAURENTI, JOSEPH NICOLAI. 1768. Specimen Medicum exhibens Synopsin Reptilium emendatam cum experimentis circa venena et antidota reptilium austriacorum. Joan. Thomæ and Trattnern, Viennæ (= Vienna). (6) + 214 + (3) pp + 5 pl. (Draco, Gekko, Stellio salvator.)
LESCURE, JEAN. 1990. André-Marie Constant Duméril, père de l’herpètologie. Bull. Soc. Herpetol. France 56: 13-21.
LESSON, RENE-PRIMEVÈRE. 1826. [Reptile plates II-IV]. In: Atlas de Zoologie. Voyage autor du monde, exeécute par ordre du Roi, sur la corvette de sa Majesté, La Coquille, pendant les annés 1822, 1823, 1824 et 1825. L. I. Duperrey (Ed). Arthus Bertrand, Libraire-Éditeur, Paris. 157 pl.
_____. “1829-1831” 1830. Observations générales sur les reptiles recuellis dans le voyage. In: Voyage autor du monde, exécute par ordre du Roi, sur la corvette de sa Majesté, La Coquille, pendant les annés 1822, 1823, 1824 et 1825. L. I. Duperrey (Ed). Zoologie Tome Second, 1ére Partie.. Arthus Bertrand, Libraire-Éditeur, Paris. 65 pp. (Scincus cyanurus, Scincus atrocostatus.)
See Zhao and Adler (1993: 209) for dates of publication of the various chapters.
LEVITON, ALAN EDWARD, STEVEN CLEMENT ANDERSON, and RICHARD H. GIBBS. 1988. Standards in herpetology and ichthyology. Part I. Standard symbolic codes for institutional resource collections in herpetology and ichthyology. Supplement no. 1: Additions and corrections. Copeia 1988(1): 280-282.
_______, _______, _______, ELIZABETH HEAL and CHARLES ERIC DAWSON. 1985. Standards in herpetology and ichthyology. Part I. Standard symbolic codes for institutional resource collections in herpetology and ichthyology. Copeia 1985(3): 802-832.
LIDTH DE JEUDE, THEODORUS WILLEM VAN. 1893. On reptiles from North Borneo. Notes Leyden Mus. 15: 250-257. (Japalura ornata.)
_____. 1904. Reptilia from the Malay Archipelago. In: Zoologische Ergebnisse einer Reise in Niederländisch ost-Indien 2: 178-192. M. Weber (Ed). E. J. Brill, Leiden.
______. 1905. Zoological results of the Dutch scientific expedition to central Borneo. The reptiles. Part I. Lizards. Notes Leyden Mus. 25(16): 187-202. (Lygosoma büttikoferi, Lygosoma hallieri, Lygosoma Nieuwenhuisii, Ophisaurus büttikoferi, Tropidophorus iniquus, Tropidophorus micropus.)
LIM, BOO LIAT and INDRANEIL DAS. 1999. Turtles of Borneo and Peninsular Malaysia. Natural History Publications (Borneo) Sdn Bhd., Kota Kinabalu. xii + 151.
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LÖNNBERG, EINAR. 1896. Linnean type-specimens of birds, reptiles, batrachians and fishes in the Zoological Museum of the R. University in Uppsala. Bihang till K. Sevenska vet.-Akad. Handlingar 22(1): 3-45.
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______. 1987. Herpetologische Beobachtungen am Mt. Kinabalu, Borneo. Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berlin 63(2): 269-292.
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______. 1990. Harpesaurus beccarii Doria. Sauria, Berlin 12(3): 1-2.
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______. 1867. Herpetologische Notizen. Monatsber. Königl. Preuss. Akad. Wissensch. Berlin 1867: 13-37. (Aphaniotis, Aphaniotis fusca, Euprepes (Mabuya) parietalis, Lygosoma (Hinulia) variegatum, Otocryptis nigrilabris.)
______. 1871. Über neue Reptilien aus Ostafrica und Sarawak (Borneo), vorzüglich aus der Sammlung des Hern. Marquis J. Doria zu Genua. Monatsber. Königl. Preuss. Akad. Wissensch. Berlin 1871: 566-581. (Amphixestus beccarii, Gymnodactylus consobrinus, Gymnodactylus Doriae, Lygosoma (Mocoa) nitens.)
______. 1872. Übersicht der von den Herren M. G. Doria und D. O. Beccari in Sarawak auf Borneo von 1865 bis 1868 gesammelten Amphibien. Ann. Mus. Civ. Stor. Nat. Genova Ser. 1 3: 27-45.
______ and GIACOMO (MARCHESE) DORIA. 1878. Catalogo dei rettili e dei batraci raccolti da O. Beccari, L. M. D’Albertis e A. A. Bruijn nella sotto-regione Austro-Malese. Ann. Mus. Civ. Stor. Nat. Genova Ser. 1 13: 323-450.
POPE, CLIFFORD HILLHOUSE. 1935. The reptiles of China. Turtles, crocodilians, snakes and lizards. Natural history of Central Asia. Vol. 10. American Museum of Natural History, New York. li + 604 pp; 27 pl.
POULTON, EDWARD B., 1916. Editor’s introduction- biographical and general. In: A naturalist in Borneo: xiii-xxii. R. W. C. Shelford (author). xxvii (+ 1) + 331; Pl. I-XXXII. T. Fisher Unwin Ltd., London.
Reprinted 1999 Natural History Publications (Borneo), Kota Kinabalu.
ROUX, JEAN. 1911. Elbert-Sunda-Expedition des Frankfurter Vereins für Geographie und Statistik. Reptilien und Amphibien. Zool. Jahrb. 30(5): 495-508.
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The dates of publication of the pages, as given by Williams and Wallach, 1989, are as follows: pp: 1-32 [1837]; 33-80 [1839] and 81-141 [1844].
_____. 1848. Descriptions de plusieurs éspeces nouvelles du genre Lophyrus. Bidj. tot de Dierk Amsterdam 1: 4-6; 3 pl. (Gonocephalus Bornensis.)
SCHLÜTER, ANDREAS and JAKOB HALLERMANN. 1997. The type specimens in the herpetological collection of the Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde in Stuttgart. Stuttgarter Beiträg Naturk. Ser. A (Biol.) (553): 1-15.
SCHMID, MICHAEL and M. GUTTENBERG. 1988. Evolutionary diversity of reverse (R) fluorescent chromosome bands in vertebrates. Chromosoma 97: 101-114.
SCHNEIDER, JOHANN GOTTLAUB THEAENUS. 1799. Historiae Amphibiorum naturalis et literariae. Fasciculcus Primus continens Ranas, Calamitas, Bufones, Salamandras et Hydros in genera et species descriptos notisque suis distinctos. Friederici Frommanni (sic for Fromann), Jena. xiii + (1) + 264 + (2) pp + pl. 1-2. (Stellio platyurus.)
Reprinted 1968 A. Asher.
_______. 1801. Historiae Amphibiorum naturalis et literariae. Fasciculcus Secundus continens Crocodilos, Scincos, Chamaesauras, Boas, Pseudoboas, Elapes, Angues, Amphisbaenas et Caecilias. Friederici Fromman, Jena. vi + 374 pp + pl. 1-2.
Reprinted 1968 A. Asher.
SCHÜZ, ERNST. 1929. Verzeichnis der Typen des Staatlichen Museums für Tierkunde in Dresden. 1. Teil. Fische, Amphibien und Reptilien. Abh. Ber. Mus. Tierk. Volkerk. Dresden 17: 1013.
______. 1905. Zoological results of the Dutch scientific expedition to central Borneo. The reptiles. Part I. Lizards. Notes Leyden Mus. 25(16): 187-202. (Lygosoma büttikoferi, Lygosoma hallieri, Lygosoma Nieuwenhuisii, Ophisaurus büttikoferi, Tropidophorus iniquus, Tropidophorus micropus.)
LIM, BOO LIAT and INDRANEIL DAS. 1999. Turtles of Borneo and Peninsular Malaysia. Natural History Publications (Borneo) Sdn Bhd., Kota Kinabalu. xii + 151.
LIM, LIANG JIM. 1998. The taxonomy of Malaysian and Singapore Scincidae (Reptilia: Sauria). M. Sc. dissertation submitted to the National University of Singapore, Singapore. xiii + 230 pp.
LINNAEUS, CAROLUS (also CARL VON LINNÉ). 1758. Systema naturae per regna tria naturae, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis. Tomus I. Editio Decima, Reformata. Laurentii Salvii, Stockholm. (4) + 823 + (1) pp. (Draco, Draco volans, Lacerta Gecko.)
Reprinted 1894 by Deutsch Zoologische Gesselschaft and 1939 and 1956 by the British Museum (Natural History). 824 pp. + Emendenda and Addenda.
LJUNGH, SVEN INGEMAR. 1804. Lacerta Tjitja, en ny Ódla från Java. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 25: 187-190; 1 Pl.
LLOYD, MONTY, ROBERT FREDERICK INGER and FREDERIC WAYNE KING. 1968. On the diversity of reptile and amphibian species in a Bornean rain forest. American Natural. 202: 497-515.
LÖNNBERG, EINAR. 1896. Linnean type-specimens of birds, reptiles, batrachians and fishes in the Zoological Museum of the R. University in Uppsala. Bihang till K. Sevenska vet.-Akad. Handlingar 22(1): 3-45.
LORD CRANBROOK. 1986. Introduction. In: Wanderings in the great forests of Borneo by Odoardo Beccari. pp: v-ix.
Reprinted 1993 Oxford University Press, Singapore, Oxford and New York.
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Reprinted 1999 Natural History Publications (Borneo), Kota Kinabalu.
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The dates of publication of the pages, as given by Williams and Wallach, 1989, are as follows: pp: 1-32 [1837]; 33-80 [1839] and 81-141 [1844].
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Reprinted 1968 A. Asher.
_______. 1801. Historiae Amphibiorum naturalis et literariae. Fasciculcus Secundus continens Crocodilos, Scincos, Chamaesauras, Boas, Pseudoboas, Elapes, Angues, Amphisbaenas et Caecilias. Friederici Fromman, Jena. vi + 374 pp + pl. 1-2.
Reprinted 1968 A. Asher.
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_____. 1935. The fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma. Reptilia and Amphibia. Vol. II.- Sauria. Taylor and Francis, London. xiii + 440 pp + 1 pl.
Reprinted 1970 Ralph Curtis Books, Florida and 1980 Today and Tomorrow’s Publishers, Dehradun.
_____. 1937. A review of the genus Lygosoma (Scincidae: Reptilia) and its allies. Rec. Indian Mus. 39(3): 213-234.
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Abbreviations of names of systematic institutions and other collections. Those marked with an asterisk cited in Leviton et al. (1985).
Academischen Groningen, Germany (AG)
American Museum of Natural History, New York, U.S.A. (AMNH*)
Australian National Museum, Sydney, Australia (AMS*)
Academy of Natural Sciences at Philadelphia, Philadelphia, U.S.A. (ANSP*)
Natural History Museum, London, U.K. (BMNH*)
California Academy of Science, San Francisco, U.S.A. (CAS*)
Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Pittsburgh, U.S.A. (CM*)
Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, U.S.A. (FMNH*); formerly CNHM (Chicago Natural History Museum)
Institut Royal des Sciences Naturales de Belgique, Brussels, Belgium (IRSNB*)
University of Kansas, Museum of Zoology, Lawrence, U.S.A. (KU*)
Kyoto University, Department of Zoology Museum (KUZ*)
Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, U.S.A. (MCZ*)
Musée National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France (MNHN*)
Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle de Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland (MHNG*)
Magyar Nemzeti Muzeum, Budapest, Hungary (MNH*)
Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova, Genova, Italy (MSNG*)
Staatliches Museum für Tierkunde, Dresden, Germany (MTKD*)
Museum Zoologicum Bogoriensis, Bogor, Indonesia, at present in Cibinong, Indonesia (MZB*)
Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, University of California, Berkeley, U.S.A. (MVZ*)
Naturhistorisches Museum Basel, Switzerland (NMBA*)
Naturhistoirisches Museum, Vienna, Austria (NMW*)
Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, Stockholm, Sweden (NHRM*)
Osaka Museum of Natural History, Osaka, Japan (OMNH*)
Oxford University Museum, Oxford, U.K. (OUM*)
Robert B. Stuebing collection from Kalimantan (RBS, at present accessioned with MZB)
Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum, Leiden (formerly Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Histoire, Leiden), the Netherlands (RMNH*)
Sabah Park Zoological Museum, Mount Kinabalu National Park Headquarters, Sabah, Malaysia (SP)
Sarawak Museum, Kuching, Malaysia (SM*)
Natur-Museum und Forschungs-institut Senckenberg, Frankfurt/Main, Germany (SMF*)
Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde, Stuttgart, Germany (SMNS*)
Sabah State Museum, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia (SSM)
Florida Museum of Natural History, Gainesville, U.S.A. (UF*)
Museum of Zoology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Sabah Campus, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia (UKMS; see below)
Borneensis Collection, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia (UMS, which also houses the erstwhile UKMS collection)
Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, U.S.A. (UMMZ*)
Raffles Museum of Biodiversity Research, National University of Singapore, Singapore (ZRC. The abbreviation used in Leviton et al., 1985, is USDZ*)
National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., U.S.A. (USNM*)
Zoologisk Institut, Stockholms Universitet, Stockholm, Sweden (ZIUS*)
Zoological Museum, Amsterdam, the Netherlands (ZMA*)
Zoologisches Museum Humboldt-Universität, Berlin, Germany (ZMB*)
Zoologisches Institut und Museum, Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany (ZMH)
Zoologisches Forchunginstitut und Museum Alexander Koenig, Bonn, Germany (ZMK*)
Zoological Museum, Københavns Universitet, Copenhagen, Denmark (ZMUC*)
Zoologiska Museet, Uppsala Universitet, Uppsala, Sweden (ZMUU*)
Universität Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland (ZMUZ*)
Zoological Survey of India, National Zoological Collection, Calcutta, India (ZSI*)
Zoologische Staatssammlung, München, Germany (ZSM*)
Geographic and Toponymic Terms in local languages
Bandar.- city
Banjaran.- range
Batang.- main river
Bukit.- hill, <1,000 m
Bulu.- far or remote, in connection with rivers and streams
Datarang Tinggi.- large plateau
Gunung.- hill, >1,000 m
Kampong/Kampung.- village
Kerangas.- Bornean heath forest
Kuala.- mouth of river
Loagan.- lake or lagoon
Long.- village/mouth of stream
Lubok- deep pool along a river or a stream
Nanga.- river
Pangkalan.- landing place
Pasir.- sand
Pulau.- island
Selat.- strait
Sungei.- river
Tanjong/tanjung.- cape
Telok.- bay
Ulu.- interior
Vai/Wai.- creek
Glossary of technical terms used
acrodont: tooth fused to outer surface of bone or summit of jaws.
affinity: relationship.
adult: sexually mature individual.
anatomy: internal morphology, such as that revealed by dissection.
anterior: nearer the front (towards the head).
arboreal: species that live in trees or other vegetation.
aquatic: species that live in water.
biogeography: study of geographic distribution of organisms.
canopy: layer of vegetation above ground, usually comprising tree branches and epiphytes.
circumtropical: encircling the earth, between 23º 30′ N and 23º 30′ S.
clutch: the total number of eggs laid by a female at a time.
clutch size: number of eggs in a nest.
cotype: see syntype.
courtship: behaviour preceding mating.
crepuscular: active during dawn and dusk.
depressed: flattened from top to bottom.
dermal: pertaining to the skin.
diagnosis: formal statement of characters that distinguish a taxon from its close relatives.
dimorphic: the existence of two different forms (e.g., male and female) in the same species.
distal: away from the head or body.
diurnal: active during the day.
dorsum: (as used here) the dorsal surface of the body, excluding head and tail.
endemic: restricted to a particular region.
femoral pores: pores present on the femoral region of some geckos.
fossorial: species that live underground.
holotype: a single specimen designated or indicated as the type by the original author at the time of first description of the taxa.
infralabial: scales on the lower lip.
keel: a narrow prominent ridge.
lamella (pl. lamellae): pads under digits in lizards (also scansor).
lectotype: one example from the original series of syntypes that was subsequently selected to serve as the type.
litter: (as in leaf litter), the detritus of fallen leaves, branches and bark that accumulate on the forest floor.
midbody: scales around the middle of the body.
neotype: specimen selected as type subsequent to original description when the original types are destroyed or suppressed by the International Commission of Zoological Nomenclature.
nocturnal: active during the night.
paratype: specimen other than the holotype that was used by the original describer and was thus designated.
Pleistocene refugia: favorable (here, warm) areas where species survived periods of glaciation.
pleurodont: tooth attached to one side of inner surface of jaw elements.
preanal pores: pores situated in front of the cloaca in geckos.
prefrontals: paired scales on the anterior margin of the orbit of the eye, usually bounded by the frontal.
recurved: curved or bent.
reticulate: arranged like a net.
riparian: related to edges of streams and rivers.
scansor: the pads under digits in geckos (also lamella).
scute: a horny epidermal shield.
serrated: possessing a saw-toothed edge.
subcaudal: the scales below the tail.
supralabial: scales on the upper lip.
synonym: a chronological list of scientific names, together with their authors and dates of publication, that are associated with a taxa.
tubercle: a knot-like projection.
tympanum: ear-drum.
type: zoological object that serves as the basis for the name of a taxon.
type locality: locality at which the types were collected.
vermiculation: a pattern consisting of vague, worm-like markings.
ventral: scales under the body, from the throat to the vent.
ventrum: (as used here) the ventral surface of the body, excluding head and tail.
vertebral: pertaining to the region of the backbone.